My experience with the posts
Today I'm going to talk about my experience with posts on my blog. I
must confess that at first it seemed quite difficult to have to write so many
words in English, but over time I gained confidence and constant practice made
it easier and easier.
I think it has been a good way to practice grammar and vocabulary, and I
have also entertained myself by remembering certain topics in my life that I
had forgotten.
I also amused myself reading the posts of my colleagues, since although
I do not know them personally I could notice that we have certain things in
common, I think it is partly because we study similar things. As well i liked
to get good data from them, such as movies that I had not seen or artists that
I did not know.
I was also surprised to notice
that I did not need to translate what they saiying to understand them, and that
at the same time I could answer most of the time without the need for a
amazing thoughts! I feel the same way about writing on this blog, is a very cool way to get better at english