My favorite movie.

It is difficult for me to choose only one movie among all the ones that have fascinated me, but if I have to choose, I choose Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

The first time I saw this movie when I was nine years old I remember not having fully understood it, because the scenes followed one another quickly. Changing places and characters in an illogical way, creating this dream sensation in a very accurate way.

When i finally understood what it was about, i felt (like the protagonist) coming back from one of those dreams that only when you wake up can you understand.

I think the lesson that this movie leaves is about the importance of memories, and that even bad memories, those that we want to erase, are part of us and we should accept them just like we acept the good ones...



  1. This is also my favorite movie!! And yes, it's difficult to understand but it's so surreal that it's catches you until the end! <3


  2. I also saw this movie when I was a child it was one of my first cinema addictions!


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