my favorite picture

My favorite picture is this one from my vacations in the northeast of Argentina.
This photograph was taken in Wanda, a small town near the Iguazu Falls.
In this place we camped for a few days and became friends with some children who lived nearby. They were going to look for us early in the morning and then we were going to swim and look for amethysts in the river.
One day before we left we went for a walk, the boys did not have a cell phone so they used mine to take photos, on that walk they took a lot of photos that I still have in my ram memory, from selfies, to photographs of their feet , or unfocused things.
Among the thousands of photos that one of the boys took ( Ezequiel was is name) I found this one.
I love it because it reminds me the days where I felt like a little girl again.


  1. Amazing! love how clearly looks the sky there, and the colours, everything feels so alive.

  2. the colors in this photo look very beautiful, I love it!


  3. It looks like a professional photograph! It is very beautiful, you want to visit those places


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