Photoshop Express, so easy and complete!

Hi! Today i am going to talk about my favorite photo editing programs, called Photoshop Express, I love it because it is very easy to use and has many editing options.
As an arts student I must be able to edit images to achieve a good photographic record of my work. But the truth is that I don't get along with technology and programs like Photoshop or Adobe make me collapse. 
Until recently Paint was  my favorite "editor" I knew that its functions were quite limited  but it was easy for me to use. 
Everything changed when this application was recommended to me, I love it because it has a wide variety of free filters, in addition to giving you the option to calibrate the image as you like, change the size to make it suitable for diferents social medias, and rotate it in different degrees, play with saturations and temperatures, blacks and whites, etc., all in a simple application that does not take up much space on the phone.


  1. OMG I didn't know that app existed! It sounds very easy to use, I think I'll download it! :)

  2. I'm still learning but the license expired jjiji


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